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Op-ed: Art Pope on Democracy, Policy and Business in NC -

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Op-ed: Art Pope on Democracy, Policy and Business in NC -
  • Art Pope, a prominent North Carolinian businessman and former government official, has significantly influenced the state's political landscape through his roles in public service, business, and philanthropy.
  • His philanthropic efforts through the John William Pope Foundation have supported conservative causes and think tanks, contributing millions to promote free market policies and limited government intervention.
  • Involvement in key political campaigns and financial support for conservative candidates and organizations have helped shape legislative outcomes in North Carolina, strengthening Republican control and promoting conservative reforms.

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Title: Art Pope and the Shaping of North Carolina's Democracy

North Carolina, often referred to as a "purple" state due to its mixed voting patterns, is currently experiencing a unique political dynamic. Despite having a Republican legislative majority, the state is led by a Democratic governor. This complex balance has been shaped by various factors, including the influential actions of individuals like J. Arthur "Art" Pope. In this article, we delve into the role of Art Pope in North Carolina's vibrant democracy and explore his impact on policy, business, and the state's legislative landscape.

Who is Art Pope?

Art Pope, born on May 5, 1956, is a prominent North Carolinian businessman, attorney, and former government official. He is the owner, chairman, and CEO of Variety Wholesalers, a chain of retail stores that includes Roses and Maxway. Pope also serves as the president and chairman of the John William Pope Foundation, a private grant-maker that has contributed over $100 million to various causes in North Carolina and nationally.

A Career in Public Service

Pope's career in public service spans multiple roles. He served four terms in the North Carolina House of Representatives from 1989 to 1992 and again from 1999 to 2002. Additionally, he worked as special counsel to Governor Jim Martin in 1985, a position he attained after serving on Martin's gubernatorial campaign. In 2013, Pope took on a significant role as the state budget director under Governor Pat McCrory, serving nearly two years in this position.

Philanthropic and Business Influence

Art Pope's influence extends beyond his political career, particularly through his family's foundation and his business ventures. The John William Pope Foundation, established by his father in 1986, has been instrumental in supporting libertarian and ultra-conservative causes. This support includes significant investments in organizations like the John Locke Foundation and the Civitas Institute, both of which push for free market policies and limited government intervention.

Pope's business empire also plays a crucial role. As the CEO of Variety Wholesalers, he oversees a network of retail stores that cater to lower-income consumers. This retail chain employs over 7,000 people across various locations in North Carolina and beyond, making it a significant economic player in the state.

Impact on North Carolina's Policy and Politics

Art Pope's influence on North Carolina's policy and politics is multifaceted. His family's foundation has pumped millions of dollars into supporting conservative causes and think tanks. For instance, the John Locke Foundation, which he co-founded, has been a leading voice in advocating for free market principles and limited government in North Carolina.

Moreover, Pope's financial support extends to national conservative organizations. He is a board member of Americans for Prosperity (AFP), an organization credited with financing the national Tea Party movement. AFP has a strong presence in North Carolina, contributing to the state's political landscape.

Pope's involvement in the 2010 election was particularly significant. Along with his family's donations to candidates, he helped finance three organizations that spent millions on mailers and attack ads in pivotal legislative contests. This combined investment of $2.2 million helped swing 18 out of 22 races in favor of Republicans, ultimately leading to their control of the General Assembly.

Advocacy for Conservative Causes

Art Pope's advocacy for conservative causes is not limited to financial support. He has been a vocal supporter of legislation aimed at reducing government intervention and promoting free markets. For instance, he has advocated for the establishment of an independent nonpartisan redistricting commission to end gerrymandering in North Carolina.

Moreover, Pope has advocated for the appointment of judges by the governor with confirmation by the state legislature as an alternative to public financing of judicial elections. This stance reflects his broader goal of reducing government spending and increasing transparency in the judicial process.


Art Pope's influence on North Carolina's vibrant democracy is undeniable. His multifaceted career in public service, coupled with his significant philanthropic efforts, has shaped the state's policy landscape. From his role as a state budget director to his financial support of conservative think tanks and advocacy groups, Pope has been a driving force behind many of the state's recent political developments.

While his impact may be perceived as divisive by some, it is undeniable that Art Pope has left an indelible mark on North Carolina's political and business scenes. As the state continues to navigate its complex political dynamics, understanding the role of individuals like Art Pope is crucial for grasping the intricacies of North Carolina's vibrant democracy.


This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Art Pope's role in shaping North Carolina's vibrant democracy. By examining his career, philanthropic efforts, and political influence, we can better appreciate the complex dynamics at play in the state. Whether you are a resident of North Carolina or simply interested in the intricacies of state politics, this article offers a valuable perspective on how one individual can significantly impact the course of a state's governance.